Meet Our People

3. Accountability

Our Protaskers Are Held to a Higher Standard

Thanks to our 3-strike disciplinary policy and a review system, our workers feel accountable to perform at their best.
Protaskers receive 1 strike for canceling shifts, tardiness, and other minor offenses.

A serious offense such as a No-Call, No-Show results in 3 strikes.
Receiving 3 strikes results in a lifetime ban from All Professions Ltd.

How Does It Work?


Thanks to our 3-strike disciplinary policy and a review system, our workers feel accountable to perform at their best.
Protaskers  receive 1 strike for canceling shifts, tardiness, and other minor offenses.

A serious offense such as a No-Call, No-Show results in 3 strikes.
Receiving 3 strikes results in a lifetime ban from All Professions Ltd .

Protaskers feel accountable – they make sure to treat our rules very sacredly, as they do not want to lose access to the platform through a permanent suspension.

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